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Thursday, April 11, 2002

Utility Function of the Day

The following example class makes use of JDK 1.4's new Regular Expression classes (In the java.util.regex package) to create a printf(...)-like function.
The comments contain all the information you'll require, so without further ado:

The Code:
import  java.util.*;

import java.util.regex.*;

* Class to show the Regular Expresion example
public class FormatExample

* Similar to C's printf(...) routine, this method takes an input string with
* embedded opcodes and replaces these opcodes with the content of specified
* arguments.
* The op-code is %{argument_name}, where "argument_name" is the key-name in the
* specified Properties object that holds the content to fill-in.
* An example of a string to format would be:
* "Welcome %{user_name} and good %{day_part}!"
* The Properties object contains two entries:
* "user_name" which contains, for example "John Smith" and
* "day_part" which contains, for example: "morning".
* The resulting string is:
* "Welcome John Smith and good morning!"
* You could also place any other object as the value for the argument,
* as the routine automatically does a "toString()" call to convert the
* value of the argument to a string.
* @param formatString The string to format
* @param arguments By-name hash of arguments to fill-in
* @return Fully qualified string with all references resolved.
* @author Tal Rotbart
public static String format(String formatString, Properties arguments)
StringBuffer formattedString = new StringBuffer(formatString.length() * 2);
Pattern tokenRegex = Pattern.compile("%\\{[\\p{Alnum}\\p{Punct}]*\\}");

if ((arguments == null) || (arguments.size() <= 0))
return formatString;

Matcher matcher = tokenRegex.matcher(formatString);

* Match the %{n} instances and replace them with the specified string argument
while (matcher.find())
* Take the matched argument name and use it
String argumentNameString = formatString.substring(matcher.start() + 2, matcher.end() - 1);
Object argumentValue = arguments.get(argumentNameString);

* If we do not have the argument, it doesn't mean we have to choke, it may be filled at a later "format" call.
if (argumentValue != null)
* Recursively resolve the referenced string resources
matcher.appendReplacement(formattedString, argumentValue.toString());

* Append everything after the last match, or from the top if no match

return formattedString.toString();

* Main method for testing the "format" routine.
public static void main(String[] args)
String formatString = "Welcome %{user_name}! Have a good %{day_part}!";
Properties formatProperties = new Properties();

formatProperties.setProperty("user_name", "John Smith");
formatProperties.setProperty("day_part", "evening");

System.out.println("Result = \"" + format(formatString, formatProperties) + "\".");


Enjoy :)

Wednesday, April 10, 2002

Utility Function of the Day

The following method mixes several colors together according to a specified bias thus creating a new color. It is a very useful function for custom user-interface components, especially if they are to be affected by user-customization.

For example:
Consider a calendar-widget that has different color codes for different types of holidays (by religion perhaps). You can use this function to calculate the selection color for a specific day by mixing the global (user-chosen?) selection color with the specific day's color and even to go further and to mix several colors when holidays intersect.

How it works:
The specified Color objects are split to their individual color-components or channels (red, gree, blue and alpha) which are then collected while being multiplied by the per-color bias. Then, an average value for each color component is calculated based on the collected channels and used to create a new Color object.

Make sure to remember to cache the resulting Color object for re-use whenever possible! Object-Creation-Is-Expensive(tm).

The Code:
  public  static  Color mixColors(Color[] colorsToMix,  float[] colorBias)

long red = 0;
long green = 0;
long blue = 0;
long alpha = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < colorsToMix.length; i++)
Color currentColor = colorsToMix[i];
float currentBias = colorBias[i];

red += currentColor.getRed() * currentBias;
green += currentColor.getGreen() * currentBias;
blue += currentColor.getBlue() * currentBias;
alpha += currentColor.getAlpha() * currentBias;

red /= colorsToMix.length;
green /= colorsToMix.length;
blue /= colorsToMix.length;
alpha /= colorsToMix.length;

return new Color((int)red, (int)green, (int)blue, (int)alpha);


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