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Thursday, January 22, 2004

A little plug of my own

Some of you already know of my little open-source project. Those that don't, check out DOM ResultSet Wrapper. Basically it is what it sounds like, it efficiently serves as a DOM interface adapter to a JDBC ResultSet. Allowing you to perform XPaths and XSLT on the resulting query.

Kito Mann on JavaServer Faces

My co-worker Dovik Nissim, pointed my way to this interview with Kitto Mann on JavaServer Faces posted at, especially with regards to migrating from Struts and other frameworks etc.

XpoLog Xtrim 1.0 released

XpoLog announced the release of Xtrim
Xtrim is a powerfull log-analyzer / viewer and many other features.
Disclosure: Haim is the founder of XpoLog.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Lame patent

It seems that IBM has patented the MVC approach as it applies to Java Servlets and JSPs...How silly.
This is especially silly, considering that the patent was filed June 17, 2003, and we all know how long before that Struts was released... From what I could decipher from that patent's legalese seems to me like Struts can serve as perfect prior-art for this patent.
Mark another one for abuse of the U.S. patent system.